Monday, September 24, 2007

Weeknight Randomnes

1. Printing Maddness
Doc is on a fanfiction kick again, so we've been really testing out the legs on the new printer. Several hundred pages later, the HP Photosmart C5180 is still going strong. Though the black ink cartridge dies out pretty quick even on the draft setting. No complaints, though. I love this printer/scanner/copier. And I recycle!

2. Mating Maddness
It's love bug season in the south. We don't have these annoying insects up north. At least, not yet. I hear they're traveling. Cars get plastered with them just driving a few blocks to work, and they don't come off easily once they've baked on. I swear you can't go anywhere inside or out without being accosted by these screw-happy black bugs. And I don't know if I should be grossed out or jealous. ^_^

3. Pictures!
I updated the pictures at flikr with the ones we took when we visited Troy a few weeks ago. We're planning on going over for the Homecoming game, so maybe I'll have a few more to post after that.

4. Slow
The word used to describe the pace at which I write.

5. Typing
What Doc is doing in the next room. Her muse is being friendly, which is a good thing for all of us.

6. Updates
What we got a few of up on the website. Added some links and updated Arthkael's e-mail address on the fanart page. If you've enjoyed her artwork, please drop her a line and let her know about it. It's always good to encourage the creative side of people with her kind of talent. That, and it just feels good to know you've given someone else some enjoyment with something you enjoyed doing.

I think that's it for tonight. The second season of Heroes started about 20 mins ago, but I haven't even seen all of the first season yet. I love the series, but I'm taking it as it comes out on dvd rather than watching it as it airs. And I've managed to avoid spoilers, too. I gotta say, that wasn't an easy thing...

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