Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend Tidbits

I blinked and the week was over. I kid you not. Unfortunately, not a lot was accomplished on any fronts. My notebook once again sat untouched, much to the consternation of Doc, my stalker kitty, and my readers, and I didn't get anything that needed to be done around the house finished. Except the bathtub. That made Doc happy and made up slightly for the lack of any new story.

Speaking of Doc, her parents took us out to dinner Thursday night to Mom and Dad's. It's a little Italian place here in town, dressy casual, great food. I've decided I'm going to try just about everything on the menu at least once before I settle in to getting the same thing each time I go there.

Anime Boston wrapped up today. Biggest note of interest was finding out that someone (most likely Bandai) has licensed Re: Cutey Honey. It's the only part of the Cutey Honey franchise, other than the live action movie, that I find tolerable. I'll be very glad to have it when it comes out. Also of note was Geneon's announcement of "Familiar of Zero." Noteworthy not because of the series itself, which I have no interest in, but because this title was leaked to Diamond Distributions along with Maria-sama about a week ago. Geneon denied having them, of course, but Zero being confirmed is just more proof that Geneon does indeed have Maria-sama. Now if they'd just announce it instead of dragging out the torture...

A certain somebody will be celebrating the anniversary of her 25th birthday at the end of the week. I haven't forgotten, but I'm horrible at communication and timeliness. Add in that I'm 1000 miles away this year and have to get her present mailed to her... hoo boy. But I'm going to try. I think if I mail it by Tuesday it might make it in time. Cross your fingers.

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