Sunday, August 12, 2007

Up and Running

In spite of Doc being sick as a dog for the last two days, the website is up and running in what should be it's final form. "Final," of course, is a relative term. In this case it translates to "until I find something else I want to change." I'm sure there's a few links there that aren't working, but I haven't found them yet.

Today has been a completely lazy day. We spent a good part of the morning lounging around, and Doc's feeling much better tonight. So much so that she's lying in bed at this very moment with her copy of "Echoes." She's devoted like that. Me... not so much. But I'm going to get something written this weekend if it kills me, if only to keep up with her. My competitive nature demands it. ^_^

Also needing to be written are several e-mails. Not only do I need to respond to some notes from my family, I also need to answer some reviews I've gotten over the last few days. Tomorrow's going to be busy, but at least it'll be braless!!!

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