Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tea with Neuroleptic - Episode 1

A few months back, Neuroleptic - one of the regular posters at the DocSpace forum - went and reread all of "Fate," leaving some great reviews for each chapter. I had wanted to answer back to some of what he commented on, but as most know, I am notoriously bad at getting to things. Now that "Tangled Web" is a few paragraphs from being completely completed, I'm going to go back and answer those reviews, bit by bit, not necessarily in order. Thanks again to Neuro both for the reviews, which were awesome, and for being patient with me and stroking my ego so thoroughly.

And now, on the premier episode of Tea with Neuro, we'll be talking with Crawlspace about sleeping arrangements, the evil genius of Haruka, and something shiny. Come join us... but be wary of spoilers...

Episode One

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