Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Short Story

Coming in under the wire of the challenge I posted over at the forum, I've posted up a Christmas themed fic. "Christmas Cheer" can be found here, and will eventually make it's way over to DocSpace and I hope everybody's Christmas was merry and that you all have a happy and safe New Year's!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday Hectic

That last minute Christmas rush is in full swing around here, not leaving much time for anything else. Boxes of presents were finally wrapped and mailed this weekend, though there's still a little shopping to do for those living within driving distance.

And it's been 80 degrees or hotter all month. It's just not right. But if we did get the snow that I'm used to around here, everything would shut down cold. One eighth of an inch of snow would bring this little Georgia town to a screeching halt.

Over at the forum, we're trying out a new game because of my current infatuation with YouTube. Each week we'll have a challenge topic, have folks post a video (music or otherwise), and then let everyone vote on which they like the most. Right now it's in the Sailor Moon section, but I think I'm going to move it to the shoujo-ai section so topics won't be as limited. Thoughts, suggestions, and challenge topics would be greatly appreciated from anyone who'd like to play.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

End of the Season

Football season has pretty much ended, and for the boys at Troy it wasn't a happy kind of ending. Saturday's game showed us both the best and worst of what the team has offered all year. Unfortunately, we saw a lot more bad than we did good. Three quarters of it in fact, before they woke up and realized they were handing the bowl bid to the opposing team. From where we were watching, the problem seemed to be primarily with the offense. They seemed confused, like they didn't get what the coaches wanted them to do - or didn't like it. I'm leaning a bit towards the latter, as Troy's quarterback likes to throw the ball and he did very little of it for the first part of the game. Once they started letting him throw again, the boys started getting touchdowns, and quick. Going into the forth quarter 12-38 with all of our points to that point off of Whibbs' toe, their comeback was nothing short of amazing. But it was too little too late. They ended the game 32-38 after not managing to complete a play in the last 45 seconds of the game. So they end the season 8-4, ranked 50th in the nation according to CBS Sports, but still can't get a bowl. The Sunbelt gets no respect.

Except from the fans.

I have to say, this was easily the best home crowd I've seen all season. Not only did the majority stay for the whole game (this is something we have a big problem with), they were also really into it. They actually made noise and stood up to cheer the boys on as they were getting beaten so badly. Why can't it be like this every game?

I won't comment on the FAU fans. Every group has it's bad apples, but it's looking like they may win the award for worst/most obnoxious fans in the conference. Hopefully it'll only be the fans that travel and not the home game crowd as well.

So with our season over, we're just waiting around for LSU to kick Ohio's nut. ^_^